It sure seems that way as the novel corona virus has initiated a wave of bogus misinformation about methods to "boost" your immune system. You know what I'm talking about: The wellness guru friend from college touting her oregano oil and elderberry syrup on Instagram or Facebook, the holistic health "coach" pushing IV vitamin infusions, and the company selling "medicinal" immunity tea. Even the less eccentric recommendations such as "eat more citrus and probiotic-rich foods" and "just take a zinc supplement," while well-intention, are not backed up by strong science—at least not when it comes to fending off COVID-19 or other infectious diseases. It's simply, well, not that simple.

6 Best ways to boost your immune system against the COVID-19

 1.Hydration: Water is the essence of life and important for body functioning. Staying hydrated is the best way to increase immunity to fight Corona virus because it flushes out all the toxins from the body. 

Immunity booster drink such as fresh fruit juices and coconut water, along with consuming enough water throughout the day helps in keeping the body hydrated. 
Drink daily about 3-4 liters of water to boosts your metabolism, maintains body temperature, flushes out toxins. It will contribute to improving the immunity system.

2.   Take Immunity-Boosting Foods & Vitamins: One may include the following immunity boosting foods for increasing immunity against Corona virus – immunity boosting vegetables like carrot, amla, garlic, ginger, spinach, sweet potatoes, leafy greens, tomato, 

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drumstick or Moringa and broccoli; and immunity boosting fruits like mango, citrus fruits & berries. These fruits & vegetables contain vitamins A, C, D, and E, and minerals like magnesium, selenium, and zinc that acts as an immunity boosting vitamins.

All the above foods are also immunity boosters for kids. Special care is required in terms of diet for older people during Corona virus pandemic as they are prone to catching it faster. Preferably we should eat only simple, healthy, full of nutrients home cooked meals and no junk food. A diet rich in antioxidants & vitamins helps fight against free radicals and will improve the immunity.

 3.   Exercise: With exercise, one can elevate their body functioning and boost the immune system to fight against the dangerous virus. 

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Take out 45 minutes from your day to indulge in exercises that make you sweat, open up muscles, strengthen your core and uplift your immunity.

4.   Yoga and meditation: Yoga, the ancient art that combines the movements of the body, mind, and soul has a powerful effect on uplifting health and wellness. While meditation helps balance the autonomic nervous system, the asanas, and kriyas of Yoga an

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Pranayama heal on a spiritual and physical level. Through the flow of yogic exercises, meditation, and breathing patterns, the body's immune system, respiratory system, nervous system, and spiritual system align making one fight against health conditions, injuries, pain and even virus optimally.

5.   Easily available Ayurvedic Herbs: 
Herbs like Tulsi, Garlic, Turmeric, Ginger, Cinnamon, Mulethi, etc are known to have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antiviral properties. These don’t just protect and heal from infections and viruses but also strengthen the immune system to fight through varied viruses, including COVID19.

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Tulsi: -Tulsi is a very beneficial herb. It protects against infections from viruses, bacteria, fungi, and protozoa. Taking one teaspoon of basil daily in the morning improves your immune system. Having it with black pepper and honey provides strength to the body to fight diseases.

Ginger: - It is said that ginger contains many anti-viral elements and it should be consumed with fennel and honey to boost your immunity.

Garlic: Manyantiviral elements are found in garlic. Consuming garlic with a spoonful of honey works to boost your immune system.

Berries: -Food items like grapes, blueberries, cranberries, strawberries, cocoa, dark chocolate are effective  in  the  case  of  fungal  infections.  Not only  this,  they  even protect the body from all kinds of viruses.

6.   Quality sleep: Sleep is one of the most vital and comforting activities to indulge in boosting immunity. It repairs, rejuvenates and prepares the body system to work efficiently. 

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Sleep deprivation is directly linked to stress, cortisol spikes, reduced production of cytokines, etc that depreciates the immune system. Adequate sleep ensures balance in hormones, reduced stress levels and modulated immune response system of the body.

Common Questions -
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